Jess & Molly Law

By jml

House history

When we bought this house, our lawyer gave us a very interesting summary of its history. I know, for example, that someone of the same name as myself owned it from 1922-1939.

As we have undergone alterations to the property, I have made copies of this history, extending it to describe a little about ourselves and the changes we have made. Over the years I have hidden about half-a-dozen of these 'property reports' under carpets or behind cupboards. I hope that sometime, well after we have gone, somebody will find them of interest.

As the kitchen is being renovated, I have been preparing another one. Here is just a fragment of it, showing Jess in a rather precarious position, with Mrs jml about to rescue her. There is (now) a railing outside the large open window, but at the time, the space was unguarded. Jess, ever curious, decided to go out onto the flat roof to see what was happening.

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