Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


I saw this bit of friendly graffiti a couple of weeks ago and have been waiting for the right time to blip it (i.e. a dull, grey day when I can't be arsed think of anything more interesting to blip ;-)

That's the roof of a two-story building, that is, so it's quite impressive and makes me wonder who did and how.


Spiderman really does exist, lives in Leeds and is just being friendly

It's part of the helicopter-pilot flying test (can you hover still enough for long enough for someone with a spray-can to dangle from the helicopter and write a message?)

Aliens did it

Someone got really drunk and thought that would be fun

We'll never know....

On a tangent, I'm quite liking linking to songs at the moment and this one sums things up at the mo.

Have a closer look

I did toy with posting a different image today. As is often the case, I'm not sure I picked the right one, so the alternative is on my blipfolio here if anyone fancies a shufty.

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