Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Early to bed

Traffic was terrible this morning on the way to work, and sitting in the car feeling achy and stiff for a couple of hours is not a good start to the week. My eyes were stinging too, so by lunch time, after straining to look at my monitor all morning, I called it quits and took a half day.

H's Daddy was meant to be taking her to soft play for the first time, so I intended to turn up there and surprise them both, but as he kept delaying it when H went for a nap, I gave up and just told him I was on my way home. I stopped off at the Fort for some baby-free shopping, but I felt too rotten to even try anything on.

When I got home, we collected H's Granny from the train station, and we all went to soft play. H had a great time and even made friends with another little girl (well, she gave her 2 balls to play with, when she would usually run away with them and avoid sharing at all costs!).

I went to bed at around 9pm, with a mug of hot milk and honey, and my book, feeling a bit sorry for myself. What an exciting life I lead.

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