All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

A few more firsts!

I think both hubbie and I were competing this morning re who felt the most rough. Both suffering from razor blades in our throats and sore heads. Let's hope we don't pass it on to Ethan, although as he was crying during the night again and up for the day at 5.30am, perhaps he's also feeling rough.

Still, not all bad! Nursery said he had a really good day today and that he had spent ages crawling up and down their steps with another wee boy. He also had a 2 hour nap and ate all his breakfast, lunch and snacks.

I took him round Sainsbury's after I picked him up from nursery. He loves going there as we always get some of the sample food from the bakery counter. Today it was chocolate cookies - not the sort of food I'd normally let him have but hey, a little bit won't hurt. And surprise, surprise, he loved them!

Although he has loved playing with this toy for a long time now, and has been able to put the balls in the top for ages, today is the first time I've seen him be able to actually push them through the hole at the top all by himself! They are quite stiff, but he was so pleased with himself when he managed it and it kept him entertained for ages before bathtime.

Even more importantly though, he did something else for the first time this evening ... he took his first tentative steps! With a lot of encouragement from hubbie and I, hubbie stood Ethan on his feet while I held my arms out to him .. first time he managed 3 wobbly steps towards me and the next time he managed 4! Wonder how much longer it will be now till he's on his feet properly of his own accord. Perhaps that first pair of shoes won't be so far off now after all!

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