Who knew?

By InOtherNews


Took the advice of RtCph today and picked up some Topaz plug ins for photoshop. As the day was cloudy, foggy and miserable I figured it was an okay day to start throwing some special effects around. Cue quick storm round the cathedral to take a shot in appalling light. Voila, todays blip. Not exactly awe inspiring but its a shot nonetheless.

Okay those who do not fully appreciate toilet humour please skip to the next paragraph. I had an incident earlier I'd like to clarify peoples positions on. I utilised the toilet facilities earlier today and sicovered to my dismay that the toilet seat was warm. Now I personally don't like the idea of this, using a surface that extremely recently had someones bare arse on it. However I have had a brief debate with a mate of mine about it and he says that finding a warm seat is like 'a treat'. Hmmm.

So my Mum is on holiday at the moment meaning the office is dead quiet. It's 3.40pm now and there is me left: as soon as the MD went everyone skulked away for an early one. I have an empty house and a slightly moody kitten waiting for me at home, so I figured I'd stay here and play about. I just had a jackhammer started downstairs, big old machine that. I might go and play with some portable traffic lights or something.

I had a paragraph there about football but decided it was as boring as Peaches Geldof so I scratched it. Have you seen Peaches Geldofs new show? I haven't but it's called 'OMG'. What a tool. Her Dad was a semi succesful punk artist and her mum a smackhead. Jesus I'm from better stock than that (my Mum never had smack and my Dad prefered Gilbert O'Sullivan and the Everly Brothers to The Sex Pistols).

I've done a quick blog about almost exposing myself to 3,500 people. Anyone interested you can find it here.

K was coming over tonight but it looks like Z has decided it's best they stay at home and he be bored shitless listening to her endless excuses for not working. I may be controversial here but I hate people who come up with excuses about not working:

I had a bad experience at work once and it's never been the same

Yeah me to, it's called Monday morning. I deal with it like most people.

I'm not in a place where I feel I can work full time at the minute.

I'm lazy and lay in until lunchtime

I don't really need to work full time at the minute.

My dumbass partner funds my lifestyle of sitting down smoking and pretending to be a hippy. What he can't make up the tax payer will.

Just as an aside here I have heard that some people are not at work because of depression. I won't joke about depression, you'll be shocked (i am sure) to learn I had my own battle with it back in the day. I packed the anti-depressants in though because they affected my *ahem* ability to perform certain functions. Nothing is guaranteed to depress me more than not being able to practice for the baby Gary run. Anyway I grant you depression is an awful affliction, but anyone who has suffered will tell you that you have to beat it, not sit around at home pretending weed makes you feel better and not taking our 'tested' pills in favou of some bats blood and testicle of tiger ground into a paste and rubbed in your ears. Alternative remedies = made up placebos.

Grrr. I tell you what I like and hate about hippy types shall I? I like those proper hippys, usually the aged ones. The ones who don't subscribe to the current 'hippy chic'culture. Proper hippys, who smoke weed and have had plenty of hallucinagenic experiences. People who embrace everyone, but take as they find and don't press their own ideas on people.

The ones I hate are the ones who think spending £90 on wellington boots is a decent purchase. Those hippys who are only hippys because they think its trendy. I hate the ones who try and push their vegetariaism on you, their socialism on you and there self indulgent whittling on you as well. I hate hippys who sit around all day pretending to be 'alternative' because they do yoga, but they still watch fucking X factor and drink Coca Cola. They think taxes are bad, but welfare is good. It's like the chicken and the egg: you got to have one to have the other.

I'm feeding a stray cat at work. I find it theraputic. He reminds me of me a little bit because he is ginger, always looks miserable and always tries to catch Judge Judy on ITV2 at 6pm.

Y'know why I like Judge Judy? Because she does judge the dregs of society. Our left wing liberal liability culture has suggested we embrace everyone, blah blah blah. However when I see educated, hard working people putting lazy, workshy layabouts in their place it reminds me that there is a God.

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