Mediterranean Wanderer

By monkeyhanger

A whole blipping day.

I was feeling very smug...I had decided to have a whole day of blipping whilst most of my fellow blippers were stuck at work.

I don't think this went down well with the man upstairs and he being all powerful decided that I hadn't done enough to deserve a day free to blip. Next he waved a hand and openned the heavens. I hoped in vain that a wait in Starbucks would result in a miracle, but an hour later and this was the view that confronted me.

Why people visit Edinburgh at this time of year is beyond me. Scotland lived up to its reputation and all about me were brollies. Still I did do a little bit of walking, managed to find a copy of Bernard Moitessiers 'The Long Way' from the library and snuck around my favourite bike shop for a while.

All in all not a totally wasted day.

Off to hospital for the 6:30 visiting and will catch up with you all later this evening.


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