
By cracker


Spence and I had a cruisy day today. We played with his Chuggington toys and snakes and ladders game, bounced on the trampoline, went up the street to get the mail and he had a sleep! Kaz came home and we tidied up the house and got a few things ready as Spencer's Grandma Sue and Grandpa Stu are coming to stay tomorrow until Saturday! I am dropping Spence off at daycare and then will go into the city to pick them up! We have got a few things planned while they are here!

In renovation news we have heard from the agent yesterday that there has been more interest in the property from a neighbour who backs onto the property. They have apparently given a verbal offer that is less than our original offer but more than the price we want them to reduce it down to, to cover the cost of re-stumping the whole house. Their offer is also apparently unconditional. We were expecting to hear back from him today but he hasn't called. There is another house are interested in going to auction on Friday so we want to know by then what is going on!

Spence got this dinosaur egg for his birthday on Sunday. You submerge it in water and wait between 12-24 hours and then it begins to 'hatch'!! Spence has been eagerly waiting and yesterday a crack began to form and today there is a head and two arms!! Spence is so excited!! Apparently if you leave it a while longer after it hatches it continues to 'grow'! Pretty good present for $7!!

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