Field Trip!
My morning bible study group went on a "field trip" this morning to the Holy Trinity-Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Finneytown, a neighborhood of Cincinnati. We have just finished studying a book, Adam Hamilton's Christianity's Family Tree, what other Christians believe and why. His aim is that " we can learn from one another and, by listening to others, can become more faithful Christians". It has been an excellent study. The first chapter in the book dealt with the Orthodox Church, and one of the ladies in our group happened to mention that she knows a lady who is a member at the Greek Orthodox Church, and she wondered if we'd like her to arrange a tour. We thought this was a great idea - we decided to leave it till the end of the study from the weather point of view - we thought there would be little chance of having to cancel due to bad weather by this stage. Roger and I have been to the church on numerous occasions, as in the month of June every year they have this big Greek Festival, Panegyri, which runs from Friday evening to Sunday late afternoon - we love Greek food, so we go every year if we're in town and have no other commitments. However, we have never taken the tour of the sanctuary which they offer on those occasions. We carpooled down there, and enjoyed some pleasant conversation on the way. As you can see, the interior is quite beautiful, lots of mosaics, icons and lovely stained glass. The guide was most informative and the love he has for his faith and his church just shone through his words. It was another grey dreary day in southern Ohio, so it was nice to find some beauty and color to blip!
One year ago: Latest project
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