With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Small spaces

Of time included, I find I can fit a lot in. Even the car full of shopping, boys and bags of books. Parking can be intense sometimes with these small streets.

A normal Monday with school drop off and work. Jobs are getting jobbed, but still not as fully as I would like, but I'm doing what I can. The rain had stopped long enough for sport to go ahead for the boys at least, shopping in between and now I really understand why the cortado was invented. It's not just for after dinner. It's a coffee you can fit into five mintues between running around. Spain doesn't really run in slow motion. It runs on caffeine and adrenalin.

I woke at 3am this morning dreaming about a thunderstorm. Of course it was real, and reaching for my mobile to shed a little light, found I'd hada message some time during the evening. It said there were some cakes on the doorstep. I heard the rain pelting down and raced in my nightie to the door. There they were. Safe in a zip-lock bag. Ready for breakfast. The boys thought it was hilarious that their desayuno had apparently arrived from the heavens with a bolt of lightening. The cakes disappeared as quickly. Small spaces can indeed engulf a lot

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