
By Cairistiona1

Days 8 and 9.

Started out for home at silly o'clock yesterday. An early morning flight should have sen us in Paris with a four hour lay over which should have given us plenty time to catch the last flight back to Edinburgh. However, PuDong was fog bound and the plane couldn't get in such that we didn't board for a couple of hours after our departure time. Then there was another 90 minutes sitting on the tarmac before we got clearance to go. Wasn't really too bothered at that point because there was very little we could do about it anyway, so settled down to get some sleep on the flight.

Any chance of catching the flight was completely scuppered about four hours out of Paris though. Apparently they had forgotten to clean out the toilet tanks in Shanghai and we had to divert to Moscow to have them cleaned. That has to go down in history as the most bizarre potty break I've ever taken!

Anyway, two hours later we were back on our way and were now scheduled to arrive some three hours after the flight home had departed so we were looking forward to a night in a hotel and that was just what happened. Checked in about 2am this morning (now completely knackered and VERY grumpy) with a view to getting up again at 4.50 to get back to the airport to check in the off duty that we were not allowed to transfer between flights. Seriously not a happy bunny!

Anyway, after almost missing the flight because of very long queues to get through security again, we were on our way and we eventually arrived home mid morning. This image was taken with the phone through a dirty plane window as we passed over the Lake District (I think!).

Am now on way to catch some food, a bath, a film and thanks to the daughter, a glorious sleep in a bed with nice clean sheets! She is a star!

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