Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Bird in the Hole in the Sky

Well, daylight savings time slipped up on me today. My husband and I were supposed to be somewhere at 9:30 and at 9:45 our friend called and asked why we were not there. We said it was still too early, "No, he said, it is too late, did you forget to change your clock?" I guess we have been really out of it lately.

What crazy weather today. We had a terrific wind storm this afternoon. I was inside a building with no windows, and I had just ran in before the big wind came, but I heard that it was like a hurricane strength wind out there. It sure sounded like it. I also heard that it looked like the wind was going sideways. There was lots of lightening and thunder too.

The power was out at our house about 2 hours, we knew that because our battery clock was 2 hours ahead of our electric clocks.

My husband and I went down to the "blippers dock" at about 6:45 and the sun was coming down. There was a great rainbow in the west, but I just couldn't capture it. The birds seemed a little uneasy and were flying around, or I should say soaring in the wind.

The clouds were very dramatic looking tonight, kind of turbulent and dark. It was hard to get much of a shot, though, with all the rain coming down. I just took some shots from my car.

I hope you have a great week. Happy Monday!

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