The Mistake

Whatever possessed me to throw a bag of these into my grocery cart a couple of days ago? I was on my way to the dairy section from the baking isle and would have passed right by had it not been for the little kid throwing a fit because his mother wouldn't let him have a box of those yellow marshmellow peeps.

I've never had them before but had it on good authority that they're yummy. They aren't as speckled as I thought they would be and their coating is different than I expected. Once I tried the first one, I then honed my technique for eating them which is to roll it around till the hard coating starts peeling off in my mouth like sweet, thin, eggshell, which I then crunch with my front teeth before slowly letting the silky interior melt too.

Chocolate made in the UK is just so overwhelmingly better than the heavily sugared wax that passes for chocolate made here. A hopeless addiction is in the making, I'm afraid. I blame you Mrs. Stern-Mother-Whoever-You-Are.

Edit: if they could just hurry up over there at Blip Central and make it so that thumbnails are also editable, I could have snuck this edit in under the radar of the squint horizon police.

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