All you need is love

By pascolicious

Beyond the gray skies

I know I put up a lot of pictures of Mandy and originally, I wasn't even going to put up pictures of her. But she was being so darn cute today.. and for once, she was posing for the camera. Usually she won't have anything to do with my camera.

Today was a crazy Monday. Work was insanely busy and I didn't finish everything. We had a meeting for like 2 hours which really killed my work day. I didn't have any real reason to be there either. Other than to find out the shitty news that my boss wants me and my 6 other employees to come in on Saturdays starting March 1 for 3 hours. We rotate so its just one of us, but it still sucks. I'm already there 5 days a week.. I don't want to come in for an extra 3 hours. Oh well.

I'm blowing off piano tonight. I'm tired and I'd rather cuddle up with the boyfriend. I feel like we haven't hung out much [even though we see each other daily and I stay overnight] because we don't really have a whole lot of conversation--like I said, I usually go there and sleep. So I'm excited.

Anyway, I'm off.

p.s. WOO to the Giants winning the Superbowl yesterday! :)

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