Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Challenge 2011 - Underneath

A pretty surreal day, by my standards anyway!

Had arranged to meet Tonto McDuff just round the corner from work for a quick coffee, and just before I was due to leave work to meet him, Foto Stravaiger turned up for an impromptu Blipmeet with his impressive Bernese Mountain Dog.
I'm glad to report that they are both super guys, (and Mrs Stravaiger too), and I look forward to many more blipmeets, fighting over a spot at the castle with Stravaiger, and many more yummy cupcakes with Tonto and hopefully Mrs T. (Next time they are on me Tonto).

Anyway, suddenly realised that I needed to complete this week's challenge and so I had a couple in the Blipbank, but I really like this one.
They hold up the corner of a building opposite the Filling Station pub on Wolfcraig, and my original title for this was "Chinless Wonder", as the poor guy is missing his chin. Wonder why?
However, the best view of these is definately, from underneath.

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