Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Briefly Still

"Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit."

- Aristotle

This quote relates to the photo in a couple of ways. First is simply the word "quick", as that is something these little skinks certainly are. Second is that my wishing to capture one in a photo was quick work, but the doing has indeed been a slow-ripening fruit - with many plucked too early, if I want to hammer the metaphor into submission. ;-)

Today I finally managed it. 8) A couple scattered as I walked beside our roses, but this one stopped on the border. I moved very slowly around, snapping off shots as I went. It actually stayed still for me even as I inched closer and closer, and I managed to get a few shots I'm happy with.

For reference, this one was perhaps a couple of inches long at most.

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