It's not so impossible!

By iwalked


This is what my average evening looks like at the moment. I cannot wait until the end of term. I spend a lot of time alone in my room. Going out doesn't appeal to me much at the minute.

I feel like I'm intruding a little bit by getting a Blip. I'm sure I won't be good at keeping it up to date as I always forget to carry my camera with me and my camera isn't much good anyway so don't expect any artistic masterpieces any time soon.

Today I went to town and bought some more pants because I am too lazy to do my washing and then I went to Fishing Soc which looks promising but expensive.

Since everybody else is doing it. I have actually done this before but never showed it to anybody but me so here we go:

Day 1- Your Favourite Song Easy.

This song is very dear to me as I think everybody who knows me well realises. I couldn't really say why. It was love at first listen and like falling in love every listen since then. I wish real life was like my relationship with this song.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, my URL is from and my title is from another Sufjan Steven's song which is 25 minutes long and thus too long to put in a Youtube video. Clearly some things are impossible.

ALSO I HATE BLIP how do you link to videos nicely? It won't let me use HTML or normal BBcode apparently unless I'm doing something very wrong.

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