Voortrekker Monument

R jnr and I went to Pretoria with R's sweet little A and her mother this morning! We did some shopping and other business and then we had a lovely lunch together at Burgundy's in the Brooklyn Mall and then the real reason for going: We watched the movie 'The King's Speech' with Colin Firth and Geoffry Rush at the 'Cinema Nouveau'! What a brilliant work of art! Portrayed with só much passion! Surely 116 minutes well spent!!

On the way back to the parking garage R jnr unfortunately had quite a bad mishap! His flipflops got stuck in the escalator's blades and he had quite a nasty fall, sustained a bruised and bloody left knee and the right foot sustained a bad cut which required medical attention! The doctor used surgical 'glue' in stead of sutures to fix the cut and gave him a tetanus shot!

Eisch, poor Ansa (A?s mom) was só upset, I, on the other hand, only feel the shock hours later!! He is okay though, it just really hurts! ;-(

We passed The Voortrekker Monument on our way back home and Ansa turned into the street heading towards it, for me to take this shot with my little point and shoot! We will visit it one day and I will blip some real good picture from there!


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