
By sixdegrees


This is that famous supermodel that youve probably seen on the covers of all the magazines, roiiight?

It's actually my kid sister. Always a joy with whom it is to play.

A while ago, my nutso english teacher said that we were going to be reading Romeo and Juliet soon. I raised my hand and completely jokingly asked if our class could take a feild trip to see Gnomeo and Juliet as an educational background. I often spit out the oddest things in that class, so I didnt expect her to take it to heart, but you know what? SHE DID. So now everyone has ME to thank for this amazingly pointless feildtrip! hahaha.

In my science class we're growing bean plants and most groups are naming theirs...since one group has a plant that hasn't grown past 3mm, they're naming it after me (because I'm the only kid in our class under 5 foot)..the joys of being SHORT. :)

And finally...

Teacher: "Women didn't play a big role during the Renisance period."
Me: "Who do you think made Leonardo's sammiches?"


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