
By Fisherking

...She's back again........

First a confession......I didn't take this shot. I did take a couple of shots of hebs at our Friday meeting but they were crap.......and then Clarky arrived.

"That's a nice camera"...."What type is it?"......"How much did it cost?"......."Let's have a look"..........."Can I try it?"

So this is Clarky's shot of hebs. doesn't feel quite right doing a "funny" write up today after the news from Japan.

I watched it unfold from getting up at 6.45, until coming home at 5.15. As a Science teacher I know about tectonic plates and earthquakes, but I've never seen anything quite like it. It just reinforces how powerful "Nature" is and how fragile we are.

So....Thank you Clarky for saving my day and my sympathy to anyone involved in the tsunami in any way.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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