From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

Stone 12

We went to Keswick for lunch today, and stopped off at Castlerigg Stone Circle for a (bracing) breath of fresh air before going into town.

The geek in me always looks for rock art at Castlerigg, ever since Stan Beckensall said it was there in his book. I've never seen it though...until today.

Its the wrong stone. Stan says there is a spiral on stone 11 and this is stone 12; I did not see a spiral either, I saw a cup and ring similar to this one. Its on the bottom left of the stone and I'm cursing myself that I did not make Jane take a HDR set of pictures to try to make the marks stand out (that seems to be one of the features of HDR, isn't it?) Instead I took this on my trusty little canon and had a little play in Photoshop to try to bring out the markings.

What do you think? Should I be contacting the local archaeology department?

Note: There has been lots of observations on Castlerigg for rock art since Stan's book, but there has not been any sightings of the mark since it was seen by Stan and his team, or any others...

To see what I see click here.

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