Weathering the day
A day of much weather. Mr B pointed out this rather striking sunshine while he was getting dinner ready. But only time for one quick snap before it was gone. It was like that all day: look out of the window at the glorious sunshine then glance up a minute later to gloomy skies and hail being hurled at the house. Last night I though the roof might come off.
Not altogether sure what was achieved today. I know I was very very busy all day.
Off tomorrow to East Lothian for a day with old friends. The kids are beside themselves with excitement. I'm just ignoring all the weather forecasts of inches of snow...
There is (another) rant brewing about the bankers who are peeing on us again, while their Chairman votes himself another several million... but that will have to wait, in the hope that their evil machinations don't scupper our plans.
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