New plan of attack
I hope you're not getting too bored of this sage - I'm not prolonging it on purpose, I can assure you!
I heard a noise last night, as I was going to sleep, sounded like a kitchen cupboard door banging. I didn't take too much notice, having been downstairs once already because I thought I heard a noise in the cupboard - I decided it was most likely next door in their kitchen.
This morning, I looked in the cupboard to find that the trap had moved from the top to the bottom shelf (it's only half a shelf at the top), no sign of an occupant, and the bloody trap door was shut again! That trap has now gone in the bin - what a pile of s**t.
Instead, a good friend at work brought me in another design of humane trap, a design which I have successfully roadtested on previous occasions, so I am trying this one tonight. The trouble with this one is that I won't be able to see if Maurice is in it or not. And there isnt' so much room inside so I shall feel bad if he has to be in it all night. Oh well, it's his own stupid fault - he should've stayed in the other one while he had the chance.
Watch this space.
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