A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

The end result

Have you ever wondered what comes out of thoseFuzzy things that i always take pictures of? Well, here is the beggining stages of those flowers coming out. its really quite a beautiful process.

You suprised me last night.
We talked last week (A good talk).
I promised you I wouldn't run when in pain anymore.
So last night when mortality flaunted its fragility.
I picked up the phone and called.
Once again you suprised me.
I laugh now as I sit in my place
(the one in my head, feet dangling)
Alone (And think about it).
I should have expected it.
It was fun, alot of fun.
We both enjoyed it.
The picture reminded me of you this morning.
Its soft curves, the way its changing.
(Apart of me asks if its a good idea,
This subtle exploration of one another.)
Even though definitions can be good.
Right now I want to sit back and enjoy you.
(one day I may regret this).

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