High above the trees

I've had this awful headache all day long because this squinting I need to do to be able to see sharply. But guess, today I was informed that the optician had found fitting eyeglass frames for my lenses from somewhere, so I don't need to get wholly new glasses. Yeeeehaw! She ordered them and my glasses will be fixed soon. I don't have an idea where from the frames come from, but when my old glasses broke, the new frames traveled 500 km because there weren't any other alike ones in Finland. Cool? Just maybe. But eyesight is worth it.

There's an ice cold wind howling in the streets right now. Whilst I was walking back home from the choir practises, I saw big areas of ice that are water in the daytime, but turn into treacherous ice when the night time arrives. I'm pretty sure the Spring is near here in the North, too, because the ice and snow have started to melt a little, though the Spring reaches us slower than the Southern countries. At least it's coming, and we haven't had that superb freezing weather anymore. Maybe I could go and find my lighter shoes soon.

I had to stop and really save time for thinking today. A group of middle schoolers came to ask me today if I had a "problem". I asked them what problem they're talking about. "Your style", they answered with a sly grin. I didn't respond, but they continued: "We think ya should go and get a job, so ya could be like we are; cool and stylish." I stared at them. They stared back. "Err, what?", I uttered. They gave a snigger. "Why ya using clothes older than 100 years?", was the proper and actual question. I stared at them again. Continued that for some seconds and laughed off as they gazed at me, incredulous of themselves and that I couldn't have cared less about their "astonishment".

Well, I'm somewhat famous of my "out-of-dateness" in here. I don't care about fashion, branded goods, "style" and trends set by media. Simply, it's not logical that a well-known brand means absolute quality or that it is a good and robust product. However, people don't understand it always and love to wonder if there's something wrong with me, because I don't use expensive leather boots, fashionable tops, thin pipe jeans and tons of make-up.

I have jeans from the 80's; they're comfortable, good-looking and still working. My phone is about three years old and still working greatly; I don't see a correct reason to get a new one until this one breaks up. I still have few clothes I used when I was 11; they're still suitable, whole and neat, so why throw them away? I like flannel shirts, blouses, cosy jeans and woolen stockings, sometimes sweatpants, too. That really bothers some people. After all, I think the present world witless in many ways; why should I love buying new stuff every bloody week? Why shouldn't I trust my insticts and my intellect? Why should I blow my money into vanity?

I don't care how other people do things, but I care about the way they react to other people's doings. Too many times it's very disgusting, as I've seen to happen. "Do as you wish, not as the others wish." That's what I do with lots of time spent for thinking and wish that others could do it one day, too.

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