Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Flying Dogs.

I was torn between using this shot and a curious one I took of some unidentifiable objects off the Isle of Lewis.

This is a photo of a huskie and collie, 2 of 5 dogs belonging to some new folks who have moved into the area. The dogs have a huge run, but are outside dogs, in that they have kennels outside. I'm sure they are OK, but I can't help feeling sorry for them in this cold weather. I also never see the dogs out walking - I'm not sure why people have dogs and not walk them, especially breeds like these which are full of energy. Dimairt (whose nose is just visible on the left) and these 2 ran up and down either side of this (thankfully) secure fence. What a speed! I am quite interested in trying to get better moving shots than this.

The unidentifiable objects? On the horizon were what I thoughy looked like 4 icebergs. Now, I know global warming will melt the ice cap, but should the icebergs have made it down to the Minch without melting already? I am sure that what I saw was probably parts of a snow covered cliff, but am not so sure.

Anyone interested I could send a shot - I will send one to those I know already and see what you think.

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