My mum
I told Helena I didn't have any energy left to take a photo, when I reached home this evening. Soon afterwards, she came and showed me this picture of my mother, Beryl, and suggested I blip it. I had to arrange a few things, including the massive tripod I use, and the 50mm. The lighting is, and was, appalling, particularly in the front room, where Mum's wonderful old 18th century Tall Boy now resides.
It was a favourite piece of hers and mine. She used to use the escritoire feature of this third draw up, with all her important things. I put the picture on this fold down desk section, in front of the delightful little drawers and tiny cubbyholes used by her for nicknacks. Although it is about six and a half feet tall, she always kept it in her bedrooms, until she died six years ago, aged 84.
I think this portrait was probably taken about 1938, but it is only a guess. It is a very good likeness and she looks so young to me, with the Second World War imminent. She was a driver in the war and a fighter through out her life, particularly in her later years of illness.
My snap was taken around 1970, when I occasionally played with a camera. I've always liked it because it captures her smile, in the early spring light outside our house, Durnford farm in Surrey. She would have been about 50.
On the back of the portrait photo there is the embossed company stamp of Allan Bruce, 84 New Bond Street. W.1. (Oxford Street end.)
Further copies may be obtained at any time.
I think I will see if the offer is still available.
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