Diamonds and Rust

By diamondsandrust

Why? ....

... do so many people think it's acceptable to leave their rubbish lying around like this? I just cannot understand the attitude.

Anyway ..... it's been a bit of a desultory day at work, not helped by losing a whole load of data from an external hard drive which I'd stupidly neglected to back up. My heart sank when I heard a click and a buzz as it powered up - and then nothing.

Late afternoon seeing some interesting clouds I took a walk over to my favourite horse-field hoping to get some shots - but the horses were not cooperative and the clouds merged to a dull uniformity.

Still interested in land drainage and where all the water that's flooding my garden is coming from. This evening got to looking at some old maps (which I always love anyway) and noticing some interesting artefacts (nothing to do with drainage).

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