GAD's 365


Free Road tax, woo hoo!

There are certain advantages to owning a Smart Car. This is our annual road tax 'demand'. Tough choice whether to just tax it for six months or to fork out the extra £0 for the full twelve months.

Productive day today. We have had an electrician here all day sorting some bits out on the now bare kitchen. Got some plumbing to sort at the end of the week and then we'll be just about ready to start some painting. After that, units in, benches cut, tiles laid and then we're laughing!

Cluny is still at the vet. Hopefully he'll be home tomorrow but the vets are being very cautious.

And lastly, Becci is busy making pancakes. We have some savoury ones followed by an invention that one of my friends introduced us to. Ladies and gentleman I give you the Mars Bar Ice Cream Pancake. It's the future, mark my words.

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