Family Dog

By Family_Dog

see ya january. p.s - you stink. p.p.s - screw you

I sit at the computer today with my heart a little lighter than it would have been if I'd sat down to do this yesterday.

Aside from the fact that I haven't been able to remember my camera once this week, my hormones have been on an entirely new rampage, the level of which only David Attenborough and an entire team of flabbergasting film makers from the BBC would be able to document and depict accurately.

Yesterday's entry would have been filled with rage and despair and more than a little smattering of drama - with outbursts full of how I cried at the bus stop on the way home due to: cold/wind/horizontal rain/brolly being blown into the road/bus being 20 minutes late even though the machine said it was due in 5 minutes/the terrible injustice of it all/etc/etc/etc. So, it's just as well I spared YOU all that crap and gave it all to Bry instead.

Quote of the Week:

Bry: Abi - I've had it you're being completely irrational
Abi: Oh - newsflash 'Pregnant Woman is Irrational'
Abi's Feet: stomp stomp stomp off to bed

Still, today is another month. Hoorah. How very clever of the Big Wigs at Calendar International to make the first day of 2008 that ISN'T January a Friday. Inspired. They should do that every year.

So as you can probably tell from the above blitherings, I have very little to say. Well, I have so much to say it's unreal but it's really boring and involves discussions about floor tiles and roller blinds and the best way to paint my bedroom floor white with minimal effort so I will leave that one for now.

Instead - I will tell you that I have officially joined the ranks of the Specky Four Eyes (or Specky Floor Eyes as I used to think it was called) and got myself a nice pair of goggles (as modelled by Guiseppe the Giraffe). I am a bit annoyed that bits of me seem to be falling apart and needing costly servicing at a time when I am about to be financially probed in the poop maker, but hey ho. As a firm believer in 'you get what you get in life' I suppose I'll just have to make do.

These are nice though. They look a bit like purple sweeties.

I like sweeties.

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