Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Something Completely Different

Dull , grey and overcast! No decent light for outdoor shots. Also not travelling too far from the house as John has a nasty head cold. So all dog walking duties etc fall on me. Walked down by the river this morning and up the hill this afternoon and about to go another walk along the road and through the village . Collies do need a lot of exercise, Oscar has so much energy!

In between , walking , housework , making hot drinks and tempting food for the invalid I did manage to get some still life shots of onions and garlic, not that great. Took a shot of this flower, not inspiring so put it on top of a CD, loved the effect. Not satisfied had a play around with Paintshop pro and this is the end result. I expect it will get mixed reactions with a lot of people not liking it at all.
Looking forward to what you think about my playtime this afternoon.

With the snow forecast I imagine I will be doingmore playing aroundwith images.
Hope you all had a good day.

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