Caught.. the bird - a fish me - the bird the bird - me by suprise
So a lot of catching going on. I was just walking along by the Black Diamond hoping to show it in daylight for once when a noise caught my attention and this fellas nose was just coming out of the water. He had been completely submerged for a while I guess. I wasn't quite expecting that so the settings on my camera were no where near right but with a bit of saturation and brightness I hope you won't mind too much.
For the record I am not a twitcher (that is the name for bird watchers isn't it?) contrary to what the last three Blips my indicate but they are a bit photogenic. It also means I have no idea what type of bird this is so feel free to enlighten me. I will try to get more original again soon.
Thanks very much for all the comments lately, I scored my first hatrick of spots, which, given the quality of what's there and the boundless quality that's not I find a little bit greedy on my part but thanks anyway. I will try to get back to everyone in due course - time permiting
I notice there seems to be a new Stars System. My first thought is this will make the star killers even more anonymous but I havn't quite thought it through yet.
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