The Memory Keepers Sister

By nadblips

Inspired by Russell Howards gig on Saturday, I decided today's blip would be my CD collection. This isn't all of it, just a snippet, my favourites. I have about 150 physical albums but these are the ones I narrowed it down to. I don't really buy CDs that often anymore thanks to iTunes and Spotify but it was interesting to look back at my old music collection and see which bands I still listen to and how my taste has changed and developed over the years. Anyway Russell was saying at his gig how he was jealous of his 6 year old nephew who could plug his headphones into his iPod and listen to pretty much any song he wanted to- thanks to downloading- whereas when he was younger he had to sit for ages by the radio, his finger hovering over the record button. I wonder how music will be delivered in ten years time..

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