
By Appreciation


I know this propagator says Giant, so after just a week of being underneath the soil these seeds have made an appearance. I suppose if you are to be giant you need to get a move on. Still got their seed pods firmly attached so they shouldn't get too scorched by today's sunny windowsill.

Underneath!?? That's a puzzler. I've been stuck underneath a pile of work today. I stopped procrastinating and finally got the annual report almost completed. But how do I show that? I could have had files piled high either side of me but that's not underneath. I could have set the timer and quickly laid on the floor and piled - jenga style - the folders on top of me, but they would have toppled. Well that, and I would need more than 10 seconds to acheive it all.

I asked my children if one could sit on top of the other so that someone is underneath. They flatly refused Ha Ha Ha.

I need a large structure, my favourite industrial steel, and concrete so that I can be underneath it.

Sadly no time for that today, so instead I'm sitting underneath a little black cloud, despite the sunny sunshine! Pah. This week's challenge needs much more thought. Can't wait to see what others are inspired by.

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