
By RichC

Spring Plumage

You can tell that is spring because all of the lesser spotted workmen show their spring luminous green plumage, and nowadays they have lost the ability to wolf whistle .

It also appears that is not acceptable to wolf whistle AT builders ...College girls banned from wolf whistling at builders.

Here they are attempting to complete Gravesend's New Civic Square by the 31st March 2011 (Yes 2011 .. this year!)
It has been pointed out by those in power that the funding from this did not come from the Local Authority coffers ..so we say Thank you to the rest of the Country :)
EDIT ... and hang on a sec .. there was me thinking that the Civic Square was going to be pedestrian only .. that looks suspiciously like a road to me :O .

Onwards and Upwards :)
Rich :)

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