58th Wedding Anniversary

Today my parents have celebrated their 58th Wedding Anniversary.

That's a huge amount of love, tolerance, forgiveness and companionship. I offered to ship on out for the day. They laughed ;-)

They are holding their wedding invitation. Amazingly it has no flocking (little brown spots) and the silver on cream card looks great. Dad bought the invitations in Melbourne and brought them back to NZ.

Before dawn I headed down to the beach and photographed the sunrise. Mum and Dad now have a print of it and card I made. I took them out for coffee with a couple of their friends and this evening we've enjoyed a lovely meal and a wee tipple. Shortly I'll slip away from blip to watch a DVD of their wedding.

It's quite a piece of family history now. I remember the first time we saw it as kids in the original 16mm format. We were in awe (or at least as the youngest I was) and I think it took me a few years to figure out why I wasn't there ;-) As technology changed it was transferred to a video tape and now it's on DVD.

A day to celebrate but also one tinged with sadness as I realise many will never know these kinds of milestones in life because of the lives lost in the earthquake.

As with all experiences in life we hold both celebration and sorrow gently and reverently.

Happy 58th Wedding Anniversary Mum and Dad, it's a fine achievement.

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