jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Tired and poorly

That's Ben. Bit off his oats, bit hot, snuggly, lots of cuddles. Did well to go and stay in creche this morning. I was playing bass and Steve got to stay in the service too!

Yeah.... sorry about yesterday's blip. Could have been a LOT better but just didn't have the mojo!

Stave's just made a tiny cardboard guitar for one of Ben's toys to play. Ben's picked it up, announced he's going off to church, and see you later! I love him so much. He doesn't half make my life that much brighter :)

Good word at church this morning, about Love, and more specifically about God's Unconditional Love. And how to do Love practically. Good stuff. Thought provoking, and is provoking more thoughts and I'm glad I'm married to Steve because he is thinking the same things as I am!!

Didn't say but at band practise on Friday night I had two cups of proper caffeinated tea (I've since discovered that that house does indeed have decaf!) and even before I'd finished the second cup I could feel the caffeine making me buzz and quiver and brain race. So I found myself at 1am writing an email with a load of thoughts about the possibility of a fundraising expo!! So many exciting things happening at the moment, that I'm part of, thinking about, dreaming about. Wanting things to happen. Dreaming things and actually doing something about them rather than letting them becoming such big dreams that the reality might be too different to deal with.

Right, enough waffling. Pizza for tea and then bed for Ben and hopefully he will settle because he's not done settling very well this afternoon and has been grouchy and tired and not wanting to do things the way he does them normally. I hope it's not the start of something. He's got his 2-year check on Tuesday and it would be typical for him to be poorly wouldn't it. Hopefully I'll get chance to catch up with all the journals I've missed over the past few days tonight (realised I'd missed 4 of Dotty's earlier!).

Take care and enjoy what's left of your weekends!

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