
By AnnelieHberg

A girl and her cat

It has been a long, rough day. Tomorrow i will go back to work and i am little nervous and unfocused. No one wanted to be blipped tonight. I even offered Oliver 100 kr but he refused that offer with a "I don't like it when you say like that"!

Fortunately Eve came home and saved my blip. Thank You, sweet daughter of mine. Now i am just waiting for this evening to end so i can go to sleep.

The cat, Puma and Eve need each other. I guess a cat is good for the energy in the house.

And guys, I am all blown away by the response on yesterdays blip. The hearts and stars, oh dear, Thank you so much everyone!


EDIT: Here is the other two pics as well from todays photo session, please have a look if you like?

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