Life underneath the sofa
So, I take a photograph of a football falling through the air, come inside to blip it and then spot that this weeks' challenge is 'Underneath'. Obviously a football could qualify as in 'Get your head underneath it' but the first thing that sprung to mind was under the stairs or under the sofa.
Under the stairs is not something I'm ready to share yet. I'll be doing a self portrait long before I break the 'Under the stairs' taboo.
Things can be under the stairs for years. Periodically I get everything out from under the stairs, throw a few things away, get distracted by boxes of old photos and then lose interest and put everything back.
Under the sofa it was then. Who was there but Miss Playmobil from the Campervan Playmobil family. If petrol rises to £2 a litre I suspect their camper vanning days are numbered.
A lot will change for all of us if that happens. Maybe it's about time?
Anyway, I am getting sidetracked. Under the sofa it was and she was. There was a large plastic cup of Coke from a toy food market Son #2 plays with. It dwarfed Miss Playmobil so I thought I'd better take it away in case conscientious blippers thought I was encouraging consumption of soft drinks of greater volume than your body. Burps, I think, would be the least of your problems.
Gorgeous day - have travelled all the way to Brighton and back for a wedding in the last 24 hours and was convinced that I could get some Brighton seafront by night blips. Didn't even get to the sea front as it turned out, but a great wedding!
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