A Bad Hair Day

Would I were this lady, bad hair day and all!
Her stride, speed and stream lined body are things to be wondered at.

Unfortunately there's even less chance of my emulating her after the sumptuous lunch enjoyed in town today with my stepdaughter, her partner and of course his Lordship.

It was a tight fit in the back seat of her two door mini, going to the meal, but on the way home, I thought I might be wedged in for life such were the results of the gastronomic delights we had savoured.
A burly fireman with cutting equipment flashed through my mind before I managed to make a not so cool exit.

Prior to the meal, I had felt rather thinner, having done a before breakfast cycle run in the freezing cold, and then watched the Meadows Marathon chuntering past the Dower House windows.
I use the word chuntering advisedly since I couldn't see much actual fast running taking place, but I should talk, standing as I did in the warmth and spectating from behind glass..

I have heard though that just imagining doing some sport actually uses up a fair amount of calories.

And so back to the warmth of the Dower House, into comfortable clothes and with most of the Sunday papers still to read.

I suppose it's too much to ask for my reading to use up the 2,000 extra calories circulating in my not so skeletal body? Yes I thought so.

As an afterthought, I should say that the wine glasses we had were so big that they might well have been able to hold half a bottle of wine each.
They were so big that to get access to the normal serving of wine in the foot of them was a feat of considerable skill.
A straw would have been a help

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