
By FirehorseMia

Cracks and Crackpots

Back in town after some respite at my Mother's place.

The crackpots are coming out.
Unfortunately some media are giving them the oxygen of publicity and not always engaging their critical faculties when it comes to questioning their pseudoscience. Christchurch residents don't need this sort of bollocks - it only adds to their anxiety.

Len Ring predicts that another Quake will strike on March 20
Scientists side with Campbell

And TV psychic warns earthquake survivors.

Finally this bonkers email received by a Christchurch woman yesterday:

What Happened in Christchurch was a heart-stricken tragedy, Earthquake took many people's lives, and children became homeless. I do believe something must be done. But firstly, we should ask ourselves, why would these tragedies happen?
Firstly, the God became angry! I am a Falun Gong Practitioner, I know many people in Christchurch do not believe Falun Gong, the greatest religion in the world! Instead they trust Jesus Christ, a spurious god. So Our Master, Mr. Li Hongzhi is very angry, he stop protecting those Christian and gave them a little punishment.
Second, they allow black and mixed-blood people live with them. Our Master once said the world should be pure and holy; those mixed-blood people are dirty creatures and should be extinct from the world. The resident in Christchurch didn?t follow master's guide, so they get what they deserve!
Anyway, we thank you for your continuous support of Falun Gong in NZ, and we think you have known how to stop such tragedy happen gagain. Strongly we recommended you and your family (specially your child) to watch our Shen Yun show which told you a pure life and pure world!
Waiting for you!
Looking forward to your reply!
Sincerely yours,

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