Randy's Journal

By RandyChild

Vintage Photos

This is from a pile of old photos that is sitting here by my computer waiting to be restored. That is another one of the things I like to do. I scan them into the computer and restore the color, fix cracks and imperfections and reprint them. When they're done they are better than the original. One of my pet peeves is having only one copy of a precious vintage photo. If anything happens to that one, it will be gone forever. But, if you make copies and distribute them far and wide to the people who are interested in them, the chances of all of them being lost is much smaller. I continue to be amazed at the technological advances in photography. With the digital world, I am able to preserve my memories without having to hire someone to do it. And, now I don't hesitate to take hundreds of photographs at family events and gatherings. Out of hundreds, I will get some really good ones. In the past, the cost of film and processing made it impractical to take that many photos. We've come a long way, baby!

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