Brian's Bits

By Kanyl


Today, for a change, we had a few words with the escape committee and took off to Kendal.
A pair of new, decent, shoes ... each.
I heard a silly statistic lately to the effect that "Yer average woman" buys umpty pairs of shoes per year and fellahs considerably fewer.
QUESTION ... Who's been buying ours? I don't do posh, have quite a few pairs of shoes, mostly presentable in public and haven't bought a pair since we retired 28-02-2008. Thence to Hayes in Ambleside where we broke with tradition and didn't buy a single plant.

In the coures of our meanderings several posible shots peeped over the barricade, including a "Torn Yowl" a couple of Barn owls, one from Iceland and one, about which herself asked "Is that a Little Owl" (Daft questions, usually elicit daft answers.) but only one shot likely to never be seen again in a hurry.

As the world and his wife ought, by now, to be aware  I'm exceeding reluctant to pass a watering hole, and since we were having a "Ratch" around M&S in Kendal. (Don't you just HATE the way the world is turning into strings of initials?) So we had the inevitable brew.
During which time I  kinda squeaked and grabbed for the weapon.

The boss couldn't see what the kerfuffle was about until I showed her the result.

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