This eternal tea time

It's been a gloomy day, though; I rather ate nothing, but drank tea.

See, I have circles under my eyes; I don't know how long I've had them, but they've never shown any signs about fading away. Maybe I'll have them until may days are done. I also enjoy lots of caffeine, though. Maybe I'll do that, too, until may days are done. How funny.

I hate it when somebody who couldn't care less about grammar, comma rules, and writing correct and fine language authorizes themselves to advice you on arguing and writing good syntax. That's when I could nearly rage. However, I always try to keep my rage unspoken, because not too many people never save time for thinking, so that's why they could get even more unthinking when pointing out their contradictions. All in all, I hate pointlessness most when talking about writing fine text.

Still, you can do raging in a mindless way or choose the tricky way, though. How devious! But I've used to choose the silence, even though I was absolutely right. I just couldn't care about brainless discussions including reasoning worthy of nothing; reasoning that leads into nowhere but the opposite's ultimate furor. Been there, done that, y'know.

Maybe too much thinking ages me and causes me circles, caffeine addiction and stuff. But I guess I'll be doing that, too, until may days are done. A result of addition? I guess. "Thinking is dangerous", some might say.

At the moment it feels like this. I'm currently thinking about ...nothing?

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