Crossroads! crisscross?


There are scores of words in the dictionary with the word Cross!
The above cross was photographed in the grounds of the old Argyll & Bute Asylem! It was built alongside lots of other interesting things made out of wood by the patients and the walk with all its idiosyncratic ornaments are in commomration of all who were incarserated in , sought refuge in and died in the said asylem since it was built in 1863 and I am sure each of the above words were used to describe, to treat? and to heal all the many tortured souls whose lives were behind these walls.

It is a huge building, most of it lies empty as our caring society has now flushed these souls out onto our streets and communities!

Others were inded given solace , healing and protection but sadly the desire to save moeny has overtaken the desire to save lives & souls!

The past is history
The future, a mystery
The present, a gift, cherish it while you can

Have a pleasnt blip weekend all

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