
By lorca


I have worked with b/w film for a long time and thought I could never "adjust" to colour. The digital camera and even more so the new flash, are opening new perspectives on colour and light and I am grateful to blip and all of you for the renewed inspiration and challenge.

The tulip has started to bow in the empty glass.

Before firing this shot I had slightly re-arranged the set and forgot to check the frame.

As Morpheus put it "Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony." *
It happened to be the best shot for texture, light and colour.
I had to accept it as a good omen and, thought, it was my turn to bow to the tulip...

Thank you all for the generous and very much appreciated comments on yesterday's blip.
Wednesday today! Feels like we are rounding the cape :))

edit: thanks to blueplanetphoto for pointing out that there was too much space at the top. I think he was right and I have followed his advice.

* The Matrix

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