Everyday Sfinx

By Sfinx

Feminist Graffitti?

Have spent more or less two days at home in front of my compotuuur...writing and calculating on two different research grants applications...which are to be published digitally the latest at 5 pm tomorrow...it´s loads of work, and boring too....sigh!

Had to be an just-infront-of-me-blip today, if any...

Took a break and ordered a pizza from a pizzeria in the next block...read the daily paper...and my eyes fell on this little amusing paragraph about a female art student who embroider words and images on bus and train seats!

Now "Skånetrafiken" (the company who manage the bus and train traffic in Scania) sees this as sabotage, as textile scraw ....which they considers to report to the police...

...the student sees it as feminist actionism craving space with something traditionally female in the traditionally perceived male public environment...

Isn´t that interesting....and kind of cute!?

Now, back to screen!

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