Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

The String Quartet

How seriously privileged are we to be part of UCLA - the University of California Los Angeles - and once yearly have the master musicians playing within our school for children with disabilities.

Callum sits on my lap through such stunningly gorgeous music that utterly fills my heart, has me smiling all the way through. When he gets up and dances to the lull of the string quartet and then sits with one of the teachers behind me, I peer back to watch the children's faces, illuminated by the window light peering into the therapy room and each dancing, smiling, watching in sweetly enchanted faces. Time is standing still. I want to always remember this moment.

I sincerely hope the first violinist sees what I see in this image, her slender arms dancing through the music pages, lines radiating from her. I enjoy watching the line from her lips to her outstretched fingertips. I find it beautiful and serene to look at, just as I wish to remember it. Her engaging persona with the audience wins her a captive audience.

Our afternoon at home was filled with puzzles and clearing the playroom, feeling warmth within. Callum sat on my lap and I recorded some songs for the boys, Summer Time and Your Song with Callum chipping in with backing vocals. Maybe I'l Youtube them, all messed up as we are together.

Last night, the fab Wedding Salon cocktail party for photographers and other vendors at Gladstones Malibu, cool jazz, sipping champagne and soaking up said champagne with gastro seafood appetizers whilst watching horizontal rain crash into the windows and the waves a strong's throw away thundering onto the shore.

Let me always remember Callum's sweet face in the bath before I left...


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