Boy's will be boys

I saw this scene on my way to pick my son from school today. I was so hoping it would still be there when we got back into town, and it was! He had so much fun checking out all the fire engines and asking dozens of questions. There wasn't a sole in sight, so we helped ourselves to wandering all around.

We also had a lesson in crosswalk safety. We live in the outskirts of town a bit, and at no point do my boys go wandering around. So, I figured it would be good to go over this very important information. We talked about the 2 white lines, and that we always walk between those 2 lines. Eye contact with drivers, walking slowly but steady...all the good stuff.

When we started back toward home, a very gnomish looking man started walking across the road in front of me. I asked my son if the man was walking in a crosswalk, and he said no. I said, "Well that means I can run him over then!" My son's eyes nearly bulged out of his head. The man started to run a I changed my story and said he was running BECAUSE he was not in a crosswalk. The man smiled and waved. I was only going about 5 mph at that point, so there was no risk. I just like messing with my little guys sometimes. :)

My husband made me reprocess this shot. He wanted more color or something. But when I showed him what it would look like, he was unimpressed to say the least. So I took the slider all the way to the left and liked it this way much better. Now there is no squabble over color. The End!


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