Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Audrey Hepburn

There was a wonderfully terrifying film with Audrey Hepburn playing a blind woman, that my father (Big Bad Bob) took me to see as a child. Audrey accidentally picked up a stuffed animal full of heroin at the airport, only to be pursued (in the pitch dark) by Alan Arkin, who played a homicidal maniac drug dealer. It was a great film. I think it was called "Wait Until Dark" and it remains a formative film in my repertoire of film experiences.

This Audrey Hepburn is one of the Hemingway cats at the Hemingway house in Key West. Hemingway had more cats than I do, which is amazing to me.

Hemingway's cats have polydactyly which means they have too many toes.

Beware the cat with opposable thumbs... as they can open the refrigerator.

Hemingway had about 50 cats and at present Heminway House counts 44 as their present census.

I lose cats and find cats episodically, so my current estimate of fourteen cats at Dogwoodpuddle, plus or minus a few cats, is a fair estimate. If I had 44 cats I think I'd become a big game hunter (just like Ernest Hemingway).

My dad thought Hemingway was a great author, though in the perspective of history, Hemingway, and my dad read as a chauvinistic pricks.

Ernest Hemingway was a manic depressive and he shot himeslf in the head. What a sh...y mess to leave for everyone else, why didn't he just take some pills.

Today we toured Hemingway House in Key West and I was allowed to sit at Hemingway's desk and touch his Royal typewriter.

Hemingway wrote 500-700 words a day.

God knows what he would have been able to do if he had a word processor.

Today I shot 118 images but the moment I shot Audrey Hepburn I knew this was my blip.


here's a link to Hemingway house

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