Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

On dark

Just a quick blip tonight as I need my bed!

Have had a busy day today as I worked with the little ones this morning to get some experience of Key Stage 1. Went home at lunch time and finished my planning and then went back to school in the afternoon for my tuition sessions. After these, home quickly just as hubby was arriving with fish and chips. Gobbled tea down and went to eldest son's school for an information evening about his GCSE options. I wouldn't mind taking many of them myself! Oh how they've changed from when we did O' Levels!
So this is the reason for my very late blip and why I'm so tired.

Apologies for the pic tonight. I tried lots of different shots of this snowdrop - the same one from yesterday but it's dark outside and desperate times call for desperate measures! I tried to get a b&w but they were all a bit blurred which is a shame as they looked quite good.

Good night everyone.

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